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Welcome to MAES Visual Arts!


Check out our website weekly for the newest updates on student projects, fundraisers, art shows, art contests, and awesome interactive sites your young artist can enjoy at home.

Our Schedule

3rd 7:50-8:35am

2nd 8:40-9:25am

1st 9:30-10:15am

4th 10:30-11:15am

K 12:25-1:10pm

5th 1:15-2:00pm

Here's a link to my Amazon Wish List:

Amazon Wish List

The MAES Art Studio - Rules and Expectations

A = Attitude 

                 Be positive and try your personal BEST!


R = Respect

                  Respect the materials, the adults, and each other.


T = Time

                  Use time WISELY.  Transition quickly and quietly.


Students breaking rules will first receive a nonverbal redirection. Secondly, the student will receive a private verbal redirection. Third, the student may be asked to physically move to a different location in the classroom. Finally, the student will be asked to "Stop and Think", by filling out an action sheet which will be sent home to be signed by an adult.  Parents of students receiving a Stop and Think will also receive a phone call home.  All Douglas County School District student rules are also to be followed in accordance to the Student Handbook.

MAES Families!

I could use your help.

The following donations would really help out MAES Visual Arts:

Check out my wish list by clicking below:

Amazon Wish List

If you have any questions or concerns about anything art related, please send me a message on Class Dojo or you can email me at:


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